Community — Alliance Roofing – Commercial Roofing and Waterproofing

Community Investment

Today, in Northern California, Alliance Roofing Company, Inc. is recognized not only for its innovative role in the roofing and waterproofing industry, but also for its strong commitment to communities we live and work in. Alliance supports a number of different charities ranging from schools and universities, to hospital foundations, to non-profit groups caring for the youth of our communities, to local little leagues, soccer clubs and much more.


Stanford University, Santa Clara University

Sutter Hospital Foundation, Sequoia Hospital Foundation, Dominical Hospital Foundation and Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, City of Hope

Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, Second Harvest Food Bank, Loaves and Fishes Family Kitchen, Salud Para La Gente, Best Buddies

Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley, Operation Care and Comfort

The Boys and Girls Clubs of San Francisco and Silicon Valley, Oakland Warthogs Rugby Club for the youth of Oakland